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Build Your Nursing Resume

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open Microsoft Word or Google Docs and start with a blank document.

  2. Contact Information: At the top, center your name in a larger font. Below your name, align left and list your contact information:

    • Phone number

    • Professional email address

    • LinkedIn profile (optional)

    • City and State

  3. Professional Summary: Below your contact info, title this section "Professional Summary" and provide a brief 2-3 sentence statement about your nursing qualifications and career goals.

  4. Licenses and Certifications: Title the next section "Licenses and Certifications". List your nursing license details, including any additional relevant certifications (e.g., BLS, ACLS).

  5. Education: Title this section "Education". List your nursing degree(s) and the school, city, state, and graduation date.

  6. Clinical Experience: Title the next section "Clinical Experience". For each role, include:

    • The job title

    • Employer name

    • Dates of employment

    • Bullet points describing duties, accomplishments, and skills demonstrated.

  7. Skills: Title this section "Skills". List skills relevant to nursing, including any technical skills (e.g., EMR systems) and soft skills (e.g., communication, teamwork).

  8. Professional Affiliations: Lastly, title this section "Professional Affiliations". List any nursing organizations you are a member of and your role or involvement within them.

Remember to keep the formatting clean and consistent. Use bullet points for easy readability, and ensure there is enough white space to avoid a cluttered look. Stick to traditional fonts like Times New Roman or Arial in 11 or 12-point size.

Once you've created the resume in Word, save it as both a Word document (.docx) and a PDF to ensure formatting remains intact when submitting electronically. - Nursing-Student-Resume-Sample - nursing-resume-example - Nursing Resume Example


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